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Finding A New Mango Shaped-Space

Nora's Fan-Fiction

Hi! My name is Nora, and this is my fan-fiction site. My fan-fiction is a sequal based on the book A Mango Shaped-Space by Wendy Mass (see 'Wendy Mass' page). My san-fiction is about he main character, Mia Winchell, and how she is still sad about her cat, Mango, who was recently died. Here is a sumary on my sequal:

It's a couple months later, and Mia is still upset about the loss of her cat that reminded her of her grandpa, Mango. Now, her parents forced on her an all summer long family vacation to France. Mia doesn't want to go because she doesn't want to let go of Mango quite yet... or can she?

My Fan-Fiction
Music for My Story

This is a picture of the original cover to Wendy Mass' A Mango Shaped-Space. The cat on the cover is a picture of Mango. The letters are different colors because since Mia has synesthisia, this is how she would see the letters. The background is a Mango color. At the bottom, it has Wend Mass' name.

For my story, I have chosen three songs for the begging, where she is upset and crying, the middle, where she is confused whether she should be happpy or not. Then, the end, where she is crying with happy tears, so happy music. If you go to the fan-fiction page, you can listen to the music by clicking the top button above the story. 

This is my cover to my fan-fiction, Finding A New Mango Shaped-Space. It has the title, and the background is a picture of Mia, crying, because  she is upset about Mango.

Here are the links to the videos of the songs that I used:


Here are some links to some pictures that I used for anything related to my project:


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